Sunday, June 10, 2007

The Cosmo Girl in me

So since I'm a magazine junkie, and always have been, I thought I'd make a list of some of my favorites.

1. Cosmopolitan: For those of you who choose not to live by the Christian Bible, Cosmo is a good substitue. Just kidding. But I love Cosmo very much. Cosmopolitan covers topics such as relationships, beauty, sex, health, fashion and everything else a girl needs to know. Well, not everything, but I still love it to death. The only issue of Cosmo that has ever disturbed me in the years I've been reading it was one that featured an issue about how to score a husband. I thought it was a little sad how it acted like women have to scheme to prove their worth to find a husband. This magazine can also have some repetitive articles, but I still find them interesting when I read them, and they usually have a new twist. Cosmo is great for when you're feeling girly and don't want to think too deeply, although some of the articles actually do have some depth to them. And I'm not a big fan of the teenage version of Cosmo, Cosmogirl!

2. Jane: Jane may just be my new favorite magazine. It has all the good stuff Cosmo has, but it's edgier and the writing is awesome. Jane is very in your face and the writing doesn't hold back. It tells it like it is without trying to be politically correct. I've seen articles about how to make fast money that include really risque stuff such as sending pictures to porn fetish sites. Some people may see this magazine as offensive and sleazy, but I absolutely love the fact that it's so uncensored. It's like Cosmo with a punch, and it's much more realistic.

3. Glamour: Glamour really is a lot like Cosmo. It covers a lot of the same stuff, with a slightly higher focus on fashion. There is usually a little more politics in Glamour, but don't kid yourself that you're reading news when you're reading Glamour. It's Basically Cosmo.

Okay, so I read chick magazines. So sue me. Sometimes I need a break from the real world so I can read about sex, fashion and glamour. These three magazines are all very similar, but if I had to recomend one, it would be Jane. Unless you're easily offended. It's cheap too, which is nice :-)

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